Switching Devices
Typically in a courtroom set-up there are multiple display devices that need to present. These can include laptops used by each side, document camera, and other devices that produce a video signal. A switcher allows the presenter to select which device is to be displayed on the monitors and projector in the courtroom.
Typical courtroom configurations:
- Some courtrooms have switches already installed and the court or clerk determines which device is active.
- In courtrooms that are not wired, the trial presentation consultant can provide a switcher to allow both plaintiff and defense to share the equipment and typically the costs of setup.
- Even when the courtroom is wired with a switch, it is recommended that the trial presentation consultant have two laptops both running into their own switch. This is so the presentation can continue seamlessly by switching laptops in the advent that presenting laptop experiences software or hardware failure
Switching devices can be configured with VGA inputs, HDMI inputs or both. It is important for the trial presentation consultant to understand the courtroom equipment to be able to provide the correct signal to the court. See below:
Typical VGA switcher
Typical HDMI switcher
HDMI switchers can take as long as 5 seconds to switch between devices. More current models are able to switch devices seamlessly. Unfortunately, if you must use the court’s equipment you are subject to switching delays depending on the age of the HDMI switchers. Trial presentation consultants can scout the courtroom and alert the trial team of this potential.