
  Exhibits No Comments


Exhibits often have their own page ranges that are independent of the electronic PDF page number that they correspond to.  For instance, an exhibit from a journal or textbook may only include the chapter or article. In this instance, page one of the PDF, may actually correspond with page 145 of the article. To overcome these pagination issues, it is common practice to apply a custom footer to the bottom of every page of each exhibit. By referencing the footer number at the bottom of the exhibit, the litigator can ensure that the trial presentation consultant clearly understand which page is being referenced. Many exhibit stamping software suites provide the ability to add custom footers for this purpose and the footers can be applied simultaneously with the exhibit stamps. Click here for an overview of exhibit stamping software.

Footer examples:

DX 1002 Page 1 of 275

DX 1002.1

DX 1002-001