Category : Miscellaneous

Equipment List for Courtroom Without Equipment Setups   Following is a list of equipment that is typically installed in a courtroom that has NO presentation system: LCD monitors for Judge, Witness, Plaintiff Counsel table, Defense Counsel table. LCD projector Projection Screen Switcher Document Camera Speakers   Additional optional equipment: Wireless microphones Optional monitors of varying ..

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Court Order to Bring in Additional Equipment Many courts require that the trial team get the judge to sign a court order that allows the trial team and/or the trial presentation consultant to bring in presentation equipment.  It is advisable to check with the court to see if court orders are required.  Make sure the ..

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Equipment List for Courtrooms With Existing Equipment Setups   Following is a list of equipment that is typically found in a courtroom with a pre-installed presentation system: LCD monitors for Judge, Witness, Plaintiff Counsel table, Defense Counsel table. LCD projector Projection Screen Touchscreen Annotation Device Switcher Scaler Document Camera VCR/DVD player Speakers   Additional pre-installed ..

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Interrogatories Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure outlines a formal set of written questions that litigants can ask the opposite party in order to clarify evidence and determine what facts will be presented at trial. These written questions are known as interrogatories and the answer to interrogatories are given under oath and ..

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Courtroom Diagrams Courtroom Diagrams allow the trial team to get an understanding for the courtroom and the technology setup prior to the beginning of the trial or hearing. They can provide important information that allows the trial team to tailor their presentation style to best fit the venue. Courtroom Diagrams are often created by trial ..

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Bandwidth The term bandwidth in a trial technology setting refers to the maximum rate of data transfer across the internet to a war room or trial site. In more common terms, litigation teams can consider bandwidth as the download speed available to the team. With many firms relying on virtual remote desktops like Citrix, internet ..

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War Rooms Some litigations, especially large multi-week trials, require a temporary war room that is usually provided in a hotel or at local counsel’s offices.  In the event of a hotel setup,  numerous logistics need to be addressed to successfully provide an adequate war room environment. This requires an advanced coordinated effort between law firm ..

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