Category : Transcripts

Scrolling Deposition Text     All trial presentation software has the ability to display the transcript testimony while the video deposition is playing.  The text “scrolls” in a synchronized fashion with the spoken word on a line-by-line basis.  This feature can be turned on or off depending on the preference of the litigators or the ..

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Video Synch Files Synch files allow the synchronization of video/audio playback to coincide with the text transcript of the audio. Synch files are small databases of information where each row of the database connects the text of the transcript to the appropriate video playback time. Typically each row in the synch file contains a minimum ..

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Transcript Report Once deposition designations are imported into trial presentation software, the software allows the trial presentation consultant to create a script report which contains only the designations that each side has requested.  Script reports can contain the transcript text, color coded text that delineates which side designated the testimony, total run time for the ..

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