Author : Chad Paulin

DLP Projector DLP (Digital Light Processing) projectors are a type of projector that creates an image through the use of microscopically small mirrors laid out on a chip. DLP projectors require less maintenance than LCD projectors. They are filter free and the DLP chip is sealed so there is less chance for image corruption or ..

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Trial Presentation Software Trial presentation software is designed specifically for use by law firms and trial presentation consultants. Some common programs in the industry include OnCue, Trial Director and Sanction. These programs allow quick access to all elements of a trial that need to be displayed visually for the jury – exhibits, demonstratives, impeachment video, photos ..

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War Rooms Some litigations, especially large multi-week trials, require a temporary war room that is usually provided in a hotel or at local counsel’s offices.  In the event of a hotel setup,  numerous logistics need to be addressed to successfully provide an adequate war room environment. This requires an advanced coordinated effort between law firm ..

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Video Depositions can be one of the most complex parts of trial presentation. The creation of testimony clips to play in lieu of a live witness or for impeachment purposes can be an arduous task. Here are a list of best practices to control costs for a trial team when providing video: Assess and report ..

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Application Files Common applications like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. can be presented in their resident programs on a computer but are commonly exported as PDF images for use in courtroom presentation software.  Other programs, such as Google Earth might need to be recorded if dependable internet connectivity is unavailable in the courtroom. The work created ..

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Audio and Video Exhibits In some cases, exhibits come in the form or multimedia files, audio files or non-deposition video files.  Trial presentation software allows the display of these types of exhibits.  However, If these files contain audio with speech, it may be necessary to have the multimedia files transcribed by a certified court reporter ..

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Email Exhibits Wherever possible, include attachments in the pdf of every em..

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Exhibit Naming Conventions Consider developing an index that captures document date, Bates ranges, Deposition Exhibit numbers and Trial Exhibit numbers. Having a comprehensive index greatly reduces the costs when preparing outlines for witnesses and creating custom demonstratives that rely on trial exhibits. Trial presentation software will access the images quickly for the jury, but it ..

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  In 1970 Congress amended the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to allow the use of non-stenographic means for recording depositions which began the advent of the use of video designations in the courts [1]   From the 1970s until the early 1990s, the only forms of trial presentation technology utilized by litigators was either foam core ..

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The use of trial presentation technology has become mainstream for litigators. Today’s juror has likely grown up with instant messaging, on-demand entertainment, easy content creation and delivery, and an array of social media interaction. The world is now more heavily dependent on the immediate visual delivery of information than with previous generations. Todays juror demands ..

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